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Give a short introduction, make it fancy and not so boring, a picture is an essential too! this is a fixed section so make your profile as short like this one.Sorry okays?If you want a longer profile like this, just adjust the positions, you know what I'm talking.Questions? just visit my blog

Feeling : _happy__
Eating : ___candy____
Doing : ___nothing____
Watching : ___drama____
Listening to : __jackie chueng's song_____

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869..I like unicorns. I like the black colour. I l...
859...I have thoughts...I don't know if anyone els...
840..有某种时刻 想起很久以前的事 陌生而又熟悉 一种心情泛滥得再也无法收拾 寂寞,不是因为没人...
很紧张很紧张姐姐要嫁人了 心情很复杂高兴是她终于有人要了!!!!!XD伤心是她不能再像以前那样陪我了...
621..我喜欢静静的感觉 喜欢一个人静静想你 静静的思念你的感觉 静静地 把对你的思念绕在心头 ...
611..有很多很多的心情 不知道该以怎样的方式去说心里有很多很多的沉重 始终放不下唯有靠文字来表述...
603..最后我还是哭了 哭不是因为我伤心 而是我不懂怎样面对 以前的那个问题还是存在 我一直都很天...

Music ?

MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com

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Written at Sunday, February 21, 2010 | back to top


今晚很静 家里就我一个人静静地坐在这里
两个月好像昨天 明天就要回去了 你问我这个假期快乐吗 我会说 :'还好.'
看到家人 朋友 然后过年 当然快乐 但是其实真的没有我想象中的那个气氛
明天成绩放榜 我不知道会是怎样 不敢再期望那么高 不想再有失望的感觉
以前的我总是会自信满满的告诉人家 我会做! 我一定可以过关!可是现在我没有哪个勇气了
不是面子问题 而是失望的感觉真的很难受 我不知道要怎样形容

再多一个星期瑞切尔就要会马来西亚了 不会再回英国了
不舍得 真的不舍得
很想念去年的夏天 我在想今年的夏天会是什么样子呢?
也不知道为什么这两天心情那么差 好像有很多事情要烦 有喜有悲
Written at | back to top


Written at Monday, February 8, 2010 | back to top


不管什么理由 原因 过了就是过了 我不想去弥补 也不想去追回
大家已经很清楚 你和我是不可能的 为什么还要钻牛角尖呢
你告诉我 你不想每一次都要因为我帮你做某些事才请我吃饭
你说 你想毫无目的的相约我就约我 其实我想告诉你 是可以的
其实我真的有一直把你当朋友 我不介意
可是当你对我越来越好时 我就觉得 我是不应该接受 我不应该令你觉得说还有希望
昨晚你说 你要我陪你过情人节 我想都没想就拒绝了你 对不起 我真的办不到
也许对你来说我很残忍 但是我们之间真的需要一个人做个了断
Written at Tuesday, February 2, 2010 | back to top


Today was such a relaxing day :)

I did absolutely nothing worthwhile if measured by productivity.
I woke up at about 930 pm. and lazed in bed until my dad shout at me Smiley Mmmmm..

I like mummy.
She knows exactly what i likes!
She bought nasi lemak for me.
However, she added FISH inside which I absolutely DISLIKE..Smiley
But I guess I shouldn't be complaining. rite? xD

I watched Ps. I Love You Smiley while enjoying my tea time.. yes..AGAIN.. For the gaziiiiiiiillionth time already, I think I could almost tell you the whole story xD I think that's the only movie based on a book which I found the movie better than the book.

And..Went grocery shopping with daddy. I don't know what we bought (not much, really..) but we rang up the bill to almost hundred plus with one beg. haha.. me thinks thats funny :)

Afterwards, I ran running with Joo.Smiley Woah! he had good stamina! I wish I could do that. haii.. While I was running, I could feel such aches in my stomach. It's been really bothering me today and it sucks! pink panadol plsssssssssss!Smiley

It's so hot at night! went out dinner with mate. and something funny happend.
fren A : ape itu WIFI punya passwork kak?
waitress (malay gal) : FRENCH FRIES?? oh~~ sedang goreng..tunggu jap~(we actually not ordering FRENCH FRIES but asking for WIFI password)
fren A,B,C and me : ............... LOL!

yes. i know it is a bit rude laughing in front of her. but seriously..i really cannot tahan! LOL!!!!!Smiley

so. one day passed.

walk. eat. crap. drink. sleep. yea,tat is my current life style.