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Feeling : _happy__
Eating : ___candy____
Doing : ___nothing____
Watching : ___drama____
Listening to : __jackie chueng's song_____

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869..I like unicorns. I like the black colour. I l...
859...I have thoughts...I don't know if anyone els...
840..有某种时刻 想起很久以前的事 陌生而又熟悉 一种心情泛滥得再也无法收拾 寂寞,不是因为没人...
很紧张很紧张姐姐要嫁人了 心情很复杂高兴是她终于有人要了!!!!!XD伤心是她不能再像以前那样陪我了...
621..我喜欢静静的感觉 喜欢一个人静静想你 静静的思念你的感觉 静静地 把对你的思念绕在心头 ...
611..有很多很多的心情 不知道该以怎样的方式去说心里有很多很多的沉重 始终放不下唯有靠文字来表述...
603..最后我还是哭了 哭不是因为我伤心 而是我不懂怎样面对 以前的那个问题还是存在 我一直都很天...

Music ?

MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com

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Written at Saturday, November 29, 2008 | back to top

* yawn * I woke up feeling oh-so-sleepy. Hahaha.. I really never learn. Sleep early larh!! Aiyohhh.. Oh well.

I'm so exhausted. So exhausted I could do a cartwheel if that even makes sense.

i'm tired! Worst part is that I can't sleep well at d nite. Of course I can't. I've got to study! Study study study till I drop since there's 3 papers waiting for me T T

My brain hurts.

I'm thinking if I should risk taking a nap so I'm not so exhausted but I've got a feeling I might not wake up once I fall asleep.HAHA!

Joey sms-ed me..told me her that her electricity kaput.
I told her to study with candles and torchlights.
jonathan asked her to use her super shiny hands to reflect and shine.
And dentyne. lol..

* inside joke *. It's funny.

For instance, my room is messier than acceptable by my bro's standards XD(which is pretty messy ). How would I define something pass my messy acceptable standards? Even I myself can't find things in my own room. Something HAS to be done about that. Really.

But right now.. on a more SCARY note.. * screams *


* crosses fingers JOEY doesn't read this before I come up with an apology OR I find the silly thing *

I need to find it. I NEED to find it. I HAVE to find it. PLEASE BE POSSIBLE.

I'm serious. Because.. somehow or another.. I ended up taking her pendrive home on our las meet, I left it in my jacket pocket. Normally my maid always checks the pockets of our jeans and pants and stuff but I don't think she checks jacket pockets.

OMGGGGGG. * screams somemore *. How??? o.O
I want to ask my maid but i juz realized..she's already dump all the cloths in d washing machine dy!! * cries *. Die liow.
Written at Saturday, November 15, 2008 | back to top

Please skip if you don't want me to spoil your disgustingly happy mood.

I FEEL SO FUDGING @#$% right now. If that even makes sense.

I feel like..
pulling out all my hair..
smashing everything in my path..
going for therapy..
driving around aimlessly while listening to angsty music..


You don't get it, do you?

I dono why i being so emo.
it juz happend in so sudden.
everything juz come together.




Yes, everything in caps is me SCREAMING. SHOUTING. at the TOP of my lungs.

You're a bastard! You're an asshole! You're something I should hate!
You're just.. this.. stain! That just refuses to get lost.

* breathes *..

I have developed to me, a bad habit of showing or allowing my feelings to be reflected on my face. It's not that I'm not able to control them, I could before. However, that doesn't seem to be the case any longer.

Blogging is fanstatic. I feel slightly better now.

Help me. Someone. I'm at my wits end. I feel like crying. I feel like slicing. I feel like running. I feel like hiding. I feel.. like I can't feel anymore.

Just me being random after i've calmed down. Prayer helps. I'm not kidding.

i wish...everything is still beautiful..
Written at Friday, November 14, 2008 | back to top

Have you ever STARED into the rain? yes i did!
This is frustrating. i feeling so sick now >.<
I need the lappie to do my work.
* sigh *. I might never finish my work at this rate...


anywhere....didcha miss me? =D

So, my darling uncle SI left today. Well, early this morning actually. According to joey, the Whole TAN's family(around 10 ppl or even more..don get shock..coz he is the only SON)and the 3 monkeys..but me sent him off to the airport. Shytt, i'm actually feeling bad now.Gahhhhh ~..too bad, too late to feel bad dy. sorry..i'm not able to send u..but is warm enuf to hav my msg in d rainy day rite..=)

I'll just probably have to be extra nice to him when he gets back.he's going to fight for his future..but kononya pergi pikat perempuan =D Yay!! GOOD FOR U! haha..Seriously, it's about time he settled down and stuff. he already wasted half year here doing ntg.A full time 'pai kah cai'.useless! =p
i donno when he'll only be back T T really wish to meet u again be4 i leave..but i know is kinda impossible..come UK visit me then!!

again..another good fren cao..less a person hang out for the time being dy.
i hate it when that happens.

.....I need to study. Maybe tonight or tml?? haha. Let's just go for a walk in the walk for now.or hav a cup of HOT chocolate.Fresh air will do me good.It always does. Even if it's just sitting in the park aimlessly staring into space. It makes me happy.

so wat does it meann???? ask me back to my study desk?!

.....oklo........Bye. teddy =(
Written at Tuesday, November 11, 2008 | back to top

That's awesome!!!! it was soo cool when he hit the high note...fantastic!!!he was multi-talented & has a charming smile :) here it is..VITAS!


Vitas - The Star

i believe..if someone tried to kill him..he would just yell really loud! = =
Written at Sunday, November 9, 2008 | back to top


1958- tis is my grandma when she was 36 yearls old XD

1960 - getting older..

1962 - suddenly she becomes so young coz she took lot of COLLEGEN = =

1972 -tis is my mom when she was 15 years old..

1978 - and when she is 21..she changed her hairdo coz of BeeGees..

1982~ and coz she met my dad..she changed her hairdo become like tis XD

1986 -after married..she become a full time aunty..and gav birth to my sista =)

1988 - and then me...!!

1992..followed up by my bro..tis hairdo...really YUCK!

2007- her daughter..miss erica XD

Written at Friday, November 7, 2008 | back to top

I've been watching Forensic Heroes 2 and one of the sub-plots involves this song - You are my Angel. The lyrics are really simple and the song is beautiful so I’ve been looking around and *here it is*

Once upon a time,
Arcangel in the sky,
May it cover every night,

Once upon a time,
The angel loved me so,
It’s a miracle in the snow, my heart won’t be cold
My dear, you are my angel,
Tell me what you know,
Something should be told

My dear, you are my angel,
Tell me where you go,
I will brace behind your love

And guess who sung this song!?!?!?! If anyone watched Miss Hk 2007 they should be familiar with Loretta Chow. Before she entered the beauty pageant, she originally entered a singing competition but was unsuccessful…? (though I don’t know why, her voice is really pretty) Lol, can’t remember exactly but well, she ended up a Miss HK. awaresome!

First Runner up-Grace Wong. Miss Hong Kong 2007 Winner-Kayi Cheung . Second Runner up-Lorretta Chow

Written at | back to top

Why is it that to you know what is good for you, you still opt to choose that will do you harm..

life seems to always has its way of making choose your options on almost just about anything.Do this or do that believe in this or believe in that..blah.. too many options and these somehow what makes our life complicated to live in on the first place..

Needless to say that we more often than not choose the easy way out and overlook the consequences..and yes we know what's good but sometimes we still take the risk of doing those that we know are bad simply just because they are much easier, much comfortable ...

I know, I.myself have always been in this, making decisions even the simplest one aren't really something I'm good at.
This is exactly the reasons why I'm trying to take these thoughts out of my head and is trying to convince myself why is it hard for me to do good things in which i know I will also be the one to benefit from it later on.. future perhaps

There seems to be so much options now for me to take, so many good things that may not be easy but I know it will be for the best .... tell me wat to do..

I'm taking my baby steps on all the changes and I'm really contemplating a lot.. One step at a time.I guess, I just need to keep doing those small good things and I know eventually everything will fall into its place..will get what i suppose to get and I will deserve it, I just need to believe that doing good things and choosing to do good is all for the better . It is hard but I know it will be for the best for me. pls tell me YES.

i always tell myself " No pain,no gain" . Each and every decision you make in your present life now will be what the future that lies ahead of you.. We are the driver of our own life.everything depends on our own decision. take time to be quiet each day, think of it..what is right and what is good, trust in yourself .. you'll get there and I know everything will be worth it ;)

work hard..teddy =D