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I am ME ?
Give a short introduction, make it fancy and not so boring, a picture is an essential too! this is a fixed section so make your profile as short like this one.Sorry okays?If you want a longer profile like this, just adjust the positions, you know what I'm talking.Questions? just visit my blog

Feeling : _happy__
Eating : ___candy____
Doing : ___nothing____
Watching : ___drama____
Listening to : __jackie chueng's song_____

Tagboard ?

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Daily Reads ?
boon | G.Fiona | Chun Hao | Danny | Davien
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pictures ~
HapPy ChinEse New Year ~
i am psychologist?haha~
happy + tired day.....
can u listen to me? pls..
idiot idiot idiot!!!!!!
BORING + TIRED day........=.=
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Katrina ~ ~
tom yam~ ~ ~ ~~ ~
las weekend.....

Music ?

MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com

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i am weird ....@.@
Written at Saturday, March 10, 2007 | back to top

i hav been tagged..

Each player of this game starts out
by giving 6 weird things about themselves.
People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own
6 WEIRD things as well as state the rules clearly.
In the end,
you need to choose 5 people to be tagged and list their names.
After you do that,
leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them and to read your blog!

1. i am vanness wu fans !! i don like him...but i love him...wahaha..if got chance to marry wit him..i think i am the one who will defunitely say YES,I DO...!but the people around me not really like him and some of them lagi teruk...donno who is he...haii...nvm..as long as he still alive and let me love him...wahaha..so jijik..but anywhere..i still will say..I LOVE U!!

2.i like to memorize thing.I donno y..i cant use brain to think..i juz can memorize..so...can the test paper change all the question to subjective?don come out MCQ lar..everyone seems like likes it every much..but i am not..coz everytime i tembak sure tak kena..(u guys believe or not..las time micro exam..got 25 question..but i am so lucky..juz tembak kena ONE question only...T.T) i juz can write out wat i memorize...i cant choose and think..so pls...change all the question to subjective!!

3.i am water ppl(means bo FIRE).Everyone seem like will angry if someone trying to kacau them or face something unhappy..but i am not...according to my frenSSSS...they said i hav no fire at all( but i think i hav lar!!! juz u guys din see it only) haha.....coz every time i face something unhappy or someone trying to say bad about me..i still will show them my laughing face..

4.i hate durians but i eat durian's cake.wahaha..seriously..i really hate durian's smell...but donno y...i like durian's cake very much!!

5.i like muscle guy!! my fren always say i am crazy..coz i like muscle guy..haha..they think muscle guy is scary+geli..but for me..muscle guy is yeng! i like it~

6.i like to pusing pusing my hair when i am bored..myb is my hair curly la..so i like to do tat..wahaha..coz of this behavior..the lecture( mr.jeyah) recommended me live in tanjung rambutan..coz he think tat orang GILA juz will do tat...oh god...! anywhere..i like it!