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Give a short introduction, make it fancy and not so boring, a picture is an essential too! this is a fixed section so make your profile as short like this one.Sorry okays?If you want a longer profile like this, just adjust the positions, you know what I'm talking.Questions? just visit my blog

Feeling : _happy__
Eating : ___candy____
Doing : ___nothing____
Watching : ___drama____
Listening to : __jackie chueng's song_____

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boon | G.Fiona | Chun Hao | Danny | Davien
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happy + tired day.....
can u listen to me? pls..
idiot idiot idiot!!!!!!
BORING + TIRED day........=.=
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Katrina ~ ~
tom yam~ ~ ~ ~~ ~
las weekend.....

Music ?

MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com

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i am psychologist?haha~
Written at Wednesday, January 31, 2007 | back to top

according to a quiz..............i'm a psychologist in future time...wahaha...is tat possible?but i don think so..@.@

wahaha...but ho...the result shown tat i am not suitable to involve myself in stat n math job.. wa..i am studying stat tis sem r...don lar..i don wan fail...haha..

after tis quiz..i did another again..'how will you die ?' wahaha..

''Your death will be cause by poison , probably coz u are a glutton and are around so many ppl tat it would be easy to get away wit it.''

WATZZZZZ! my death will be cause by poison!!....oh no...i think i hav to becareful when i eat from now..hu~


haiiii....i should go to vanness's concert or lee hom le...ahahha...

a survey among my frens : -

80% said .... sure go lee hom's concert lar...sot de..vanness..see wat....(really sad when heard tat)

15% said .... go vanness's concert lar..since he is ur hubby..so u mus support him..go go go!

5 % said .... both also no need go ! save $$$$ ......=.=

ai ~