ah.....wat a boring day......someone come n rescue me....~tomororw got business quiz r...i'm still at here blogging...the business text book and notes are infront my lap top and 'staring' at me....but really sleepy la..really not feel like study...but tomororw how...10%....fly~
my business text book....... ==
really feel like wan to burn it ! @_@tis week really busy la...my busy life gonna start soon.....wa...!thursday - macro quiz....die.. O ofriday - statistic quiz.....sure die.. O o O29th & 30th jan - moral presentation.......hang....o O o o9th feb - macro presentation.........hang until die.... o o o O oO oGod...where are u......
********hem...today in college...while waiting ms.crazy pig...sat alone at the coridor there copy notes..too bored...so....
HELP's corridor...^
my class room.....~
wanna be psychologist ? ?
mrs.vanness + mrs. yuan chang ~^^bye...