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Give a short introduction, make it fancy and not so boring, a picture is an essential too! this is a fixed section so make your profile as short like this one.Sorry okays?If you want a longer profile like this, just adjust the positions, you know what I'm talking.Questions? just visit my blog

Feeling : _happy__
Eating : ___candy____
Doing : ___nothing____
Watching : ___drama____
Listening to : __jackie chueng's song_____

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246..Wanted to post something inspiration that i'v...
239..I was feeling rather tired and..not exactly d...
237..It's 9 pm. My eyes are dry and itchy and I'm ...
232..什么是快乐? 我说 : ‘简单就是快乐!’我喜欢简单 不喜欢动脑筋 当然 该用的时候我还是...
227..for you ~ ♥ ♥David Cook- I don't want to mi...
225..转眼间 十月了。。来了英国快要九个月了。。渡过了春天 夏天 来到了秋天。。今年的夏天有点不...
213....♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥張學友-愛是永恆王菀之, 張學友 - 我真的受傷了張學友 - 愛如潮水...
207..不舒服 很不舒服这几天都睡得不是很好咳得很厉害 很冷最近也很早就起身七早八早头就很重 什么...

Music ?

MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com

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Written at Friday, October 30, 2009 | back to top


Since I'm not feeling too well, I've really got nothing much to do besides sleep. You're sort of excused from all other obligations until you get well. That is pretty nice, if you ask me. So, I'm going to take advantage of that. I actually have been for the past week but..hmp!

I believe that..
When you're sick, you should eat anything and everything you want because, if not you just won't eat. =D Lovely theory. It should be made into a law. I have ice-cream cravings when my cough is at its worst.

my finger is itchy..just want to update..


Happy Halloween ppl! Smileys