Today was fine, I guess.
As many would have known by now, I'm quite down for no reason.And being the usual emotional me, I've been in loved with this song ever since the first time I heard it. It's entitled "Loving a Person" (my recent blog's song)and it's just an awesome song..! Love it!
I have to admit that I'm feeling really down las few days. Disappointed with myself and feeling betrayed by what I truly believed and reached out for. Broken like a glass is my dream into many, many pieces. Something that I've put so much effort in seems to be..broken..
I'm Disappointed with myself~
To be so eager to complete all my papers..but it seems so hard to me. No matter how hard i much effort and hope. but at the end i still will get the result which i DEFINITELY DON WAN to see! W H Y ! i AM a BRAINLESS person.YUP.
I'm feeling betrayed ~
As I was advised to NOT-SO-SERIOUS in d game but i still put my leg inside.BOTH LEG! actually u guys no need worry about me.tis is wat i should another UGLY words-i D-E-S-E-R-V-E-D it. Juz let me.u will see a happy-going minfang few days later =)
In conclusion, I called it quit.
I just hope I'd continue writing, which I'm quite certain I would. But, I'll try to continue standing strong. I don't want to fall...again...