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I am ME ?
Give a short introduction, make it fancy and not so boring, a picture is an essential too! this is a fixed section so make your profile as short like this one.Sorry okays?If you want a longer profile like this, just adjust the positions, you know what I'm talking.Questions? just visit my blog

Feeling : _happy__
Eating : ___candy____
Doing : ___nothing____
Watching : ___drama____
Listening to : __jackie chueng's song_____

Tagboard ?

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Daily Reads ?
boon | G.Fiona | Chun Hao | Danny | Davien
| Earnest | Ivan | Jyin | Josey | Minton.Bro | Li jing | Nick | rachel | Sherlyn | Slash | Vivent | viycreas | Yongz | Jimmy |
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a lovely kind man ~ ~ ~ vanness wu ~+
my freeeeeensssss .. ..
Penaaang Trip ~ ~ ~ **
Happy Mother's Day ^ ^
5 things .. .. .. .. ..
why i blog??
stop it /_\

Music ?

MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com

r.swf" height="190" width="135" style="width:135px;height:190px">
Bored .. .. .. ..
Written at Monday, June 4, 2007 | back to top

kena tagged again .. .. .. .. ..

1. How old will you be in 10 months?

-19 years old and 5 months

2. Do you think you will get married?
- If there is a guy wit $100000K , 2 banglows, 2 BMW then i will definitely marry wit him .. =)

3. What do you look forward to most inthe next 3 months?
- erm...study ?

4. Who was the last person to call you?
- Lyna ( my secondary fren )

5. play or eat?
- play=)

6. What were you doing at 12 a.m. lastnight?
- sleeping + dreaming ~ ~ zzzzZzzzzZzzzz

7. Are your parentsmarried/separated/divorced?
- happy married~~

8. When is the last time you saw yourmom?
- one minute ago ... ==''

9. What happened at 11. a. m.?
- service-ing my wkn 533

10. Are you a social person?
- er......i think so ??

11. What was the last thing you ate?
- Kebab !!!!~~~~ fuiyoh~~

12. What’s your favourite ice cream?
- vanila + chocolate chip

13. What is your favorite dessert?
- CAKE !!!!!~ yummy!~

14. How many glasses of water a day doyou drink on average??
- i donno .. .. .. one big bottle??

15. What do you drink in the morning?
- seliva~~lol

16. have u kiss someone be4?
- yea..of course ~ ~ =X

17. Do you know how to play poker?
- no .. i am budak baik~ lol~~~

18. What is your favorite thing tospend money on?
- clothes + food

19. Do you wear any jewelery 30/5?
- yea...necklaceeeeeee

20. Who is the funniest person you know?

21. which type of guy or gal tat u like the most?
- good looking + smart + rich !!~~ akak..

22. Are u missing someone now??
- yea... =)

23. Do you hav boyfren or girlfren ?
- nop .. still finding .. =p

24. Do u hate someone ?
- erm .. not hate la.. juz dislike ..

25. Are u love-ing someone now?
- hehe...

i tagged : -
1. ms CP ~~ 1st time i tagged u ho~~~
2. ms siew li jing ~~ u very free ho ??
3. mr wilson wai aka wong wai ~~ ahah..i know u free too!~
4. mr david~~~~~ pig u!
5. ms serena ~~~~ go do bah!~

i was wondering...i was like saw tis tag be4 in my frenster bulletin board list..=.=''...edmund, u copied from there a??? @.@